Our annual Vet Drive is in full swing! Now through Veteran’s Day COOL is collecting toiletries, cleaning products and personal care items for our Veteran’s. Please think of all who served when doing your shopping this month, donations can be dropped off at COOL Food pantry Monday through Friday from 9:00 am-1:30 pm, if you have a large donation we can make arrangements to pick it up as well just contact the pantry.

Thank you to all who supported our annual Plant Sale! We had another fantastic year!
In The News
Homelessness in Lake County in 2023 was the highest ever recorded! You can read about it here in this Tribune article. When you support COOL you support a solution to this ever growing issue.
COOL Food Pantry will be open Monday-Friday from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, an appointment is not necessary we will serve walk ups. Please arrive no later than 1:45 p.m to be served.
Cooke Magnet School Donates Greenhouse Produce to Food Pantry
…………………..Mark your Calendars!
Food Pantry Needs
If you, your church, club or civic group is interested in collecting groceries or doing a food drive you may want to check this list!
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Careers at COOL Ministries
Volunteer Opportunities at COOL Ministries
The food pantry is in need of able bodied volunteers to work a 4 hour shift daily Monday – Friday from 10 AM to 2 PM. Please call our Pantry Operations Manager at 847-662-1340 ex. 5 if you can work one or all of these days. Volunteers will help distribute food to pantry visitors at the front counter or great customers and do data entry in computer tracking system. Must be able to lift 20 pounds. Thanks for helping COOL to Feed the Hungry!
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