*Your Name


    *Your Email

    *Golfer #1


    Golfer #2

    *Golfer #1 Address


    Golfer #2 Address

    *Golfer #1 Email or Phone


    Golfer #2 Email or Phone

    Golfer #3


    Golfer #4

    Golfer #3 Address


    Golfer #4 Address

    Golfer #3 Email or Phone


    Golfer #4 Email or Phone






    * Indicates required field.

    Golf Registration is $125 per golfer.  The $125 will include green fees with a power cart, fish fry, and entry into prize drawings. Singles and Twosomes will be paired up with other players.

    Maximize your donation to COOL – Pay by Check!!
    Mail to:
    127 W. Water St.
    Waukegan, Il 60085

    Pay in person: Payments gladly accepted on the day of the Golf Outing.

    Serving Lake and
    McHenry Counties

    Cllick here to Find and Review us on Google Maps!

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    COOL Central Offices
    800 W. Glen Flora Ave.
    Waukegan IL 60085
    Phone: 847.662.1340
    Fax: 847-662-1255

    Pantry East Waukegan
    800 W. Glen Flora Avenue
    Waukegan IL 60085

    10:00 AM-2:00 PM

    call 847.662.1230 for details



    Family Housing Program
    800 W. Glen Flora Avenue
    Waukegan IL 60085
    call 847.662-1340

